Far From The Tree is a space where I invite literally the whole world to share stories of their mothers or fathers, good or bad, dead or alive. Yes, I have basically remixed another idea of mine, My Old Man, where people wrote about dads, and broadened it to include mums because I believe there are many, many more great stories to share.

My Old Man changed the lives of many contributors. I hope and believe that Far From The Tree will also enable that for you, too. If you’d like to contribute, please drop me a line at farfromthetreeTK@gmail.com. It will always remain free to read.

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This is a place where we can share tales of our mothers or fathers. All posts edited by Ted Kessler. For any submission, please email farfromthetreeTK@gmail.com


Former editor of Q Magazine who now co-produces The New Cue, the world's greatest music newsletter. Devised My Old Man, wrote Paper Cuts, a memoir published by White Rabbit in 2022. Also edits Far From The Tree: Tales of Our Mothers And Fathers.